Middle and High School Students
Time: 1:00-1:45pm
Students Grade 6-12
After lunch, students will break into cohorts based on the number of students participating. They will spend 8 weeks each on a strand of critical thinking development: Questions, Research and then Symposium. In each of these strands students will have reading and writing homework assignments that they will be expected to have accomplished and bring to class. In order to successfully navigate this class, students will need to have some previous grammar knowledge, and composition exposure. 6th-8th grade students may benefit from participating in Bridge Club before participating in the Socratic Seminar.
Students Grade 6-12
After lunch, students will break into cohorts based on the number of students participating. They will spend 8 weeks each on a strand of critical thinking development: Questions, Research and then Symposium. In each of these strands students will have reading and writing homework assignments that they will be expected to have accomplished and bring to class. In order to successfully navigate this class, students will need to have some previous grammar knowledge, and composition exposure. 6th-8th grade students may benefit from participating in Bridge Club before participating in the Socratic Seminar.
Questions - Thinking begins with questions, wonder and curiosity. The Questions seminar trains students to engage reflectively with literature and historical events. They will be questioned as well as create their own questions to discuss in class.
Research - In the research thread, students will develop their skills in independently finding out information. Through interacting with scientific literature and current events, students will wrestle with questions of bias, objectivity and truth as well as learn how to identify good resources, avoid echo chambers and establish their own opinions. Symposium - With the final thread of the Socratic Seminar students will combine their question asking and researching skills as they examine current events and case studies. They will be required to establish their own position on a case as well as possible opposing positions. For the end of year celebration students will give presentations for case studies they have worked on over the final weeks of class. |